J. Grant Swank, Jr.
How can one believe Barack Hussein Obama on anything when he plants in the middle of his State of the Union speech these words: “. . .to do our work openly.”
Obama has been the most secretive President. Whatever he has done of significance to his hubris and opportunism has been sneaked behind closed doors. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have stood right alongside him in his cut and paste, slice and dice.
The knowing public catalogues the details. What frustrates that public most is when Obama mounts the SOTU pulpit to whitewash his destructive plots.
He surrounds himself with a non-vetted socialist shadow government. His czars report to him and him alone.
He claims bipartisan cooperation while he and Dems have shut out Republicans in the overbearing Dem arrogance of power.
Despot Obama will continue his modus operandi on his same dictatorial track. His speech sounded sweet on education this and that for the earnest youth anxious for college and university. So he pockets their ballots.
He speaks in illustrative glow of this family or that mother who writes him about her struggles. That pockets those ballots.
He speaks as one crippled by the Bush past. That pockets the Bush-haters’ ballots.
With that, only fools—of which there are millions—will buy into his patriotic vernacular as he attempts to sound like a flag-waving patriot. He’s not. He’s a secretive betrayer with a cadre of liars and crooks to right and left. That will continue.
“Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.” Jesus gave that counsel to His own. Those believers must maintain that vigilance when dealing with a Marxist Muslim President ever committed to imploding our democracy.
A one-night speech does not erase his first year of destructive undercutting. There is too much evidence in the fact file to support that, no matter his down home phrasing in his SOTU charade.
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