J. Grant Swank, Jr.
“Christ is the Lord over every ruler and authority in the universe.” Colossians 2:10
That’s either true or false.
Nonbelievers scoff. Believers hold to that with their very souls.
What does that verse mean? It means that Obama has not the final say regarding America. Christ does.
Hitler answered to Christ. So did Stalin. So will every present and future ruler just as every past authority.
That gives hope to the Christ follower for no matter how dreadful the present moment may be—as it was when Hitler gassed Jews and Gentiles, for instance—mortals will perish, going to their eternal destinies.
Likewise, those dealing such atrocities will stand before Judge Christ. They will consign their souls to heaven or hell. Christ plays the part as secretary in that scenario. He of course is Judge; however, by His own plan of eternal legal procedures, He in effect hands the gavel to the free will mortal.
Christ as Alpha and Omega has the first and last of everything existing in this spiritually sick sphere. That includes every ruler and authority, per Colossians.
American Christians, hold fast to your biblical faith. Keep it close to head and heart. Read God’s Word thoroughly and often. Keep the promises close to your every moment and live in the power of the God who cannot lie.
Your Christ “is the Lord over every ruler and authority in the universe.” So be it.
Read “Jesus is My President” at http://www.magic-city-news.com/J_Grant_Swank_61/Jesus_is_My_President12265.shtml
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