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Monday, January 25, 2010


J. Grant Swank, Jr.

It was mistakenly reported by some newsfeeds that Scott Brown voted against the Massachusetts Marriage Amendment. Fact: he voted for the Massachusetts Marriage Amendment in 2007.

Per Baptist Press’ Michael Foust: “Brown opposes ‘gay marriage’ and the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) and supports the military's Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy and the federal Defense of Marriage Act.

"’Scott Brown not only voted against our community, but he did so unequivocally, proudly and loudly,’ Arline Isaacson, chairwoman of the Massachusetts Gay & Lesbian Political Caucus, told Keen News Service. ‘Brown voted at least 20 times against marriage equality, over and over again.’

Brian Brown, the executive director of the National Organization for Marriage, saw it much differently, calling the election ‘a victory for marriage.’

"’The support of the people of Massachusetts for traditional marriage was clearly a factor in this election as marriage supporters turned out to elect Scott Brown to the United States Senate,’ Brian Brown said in a statement.”

When it comes to Brown and pro-life issues, Brown is not fully pro-life but he does support pro-lifers regarding endorsing parental notification laws, opposing partial-birth abortion, opposing tax moneys paying for abortions. and opposing the so-called Freedom of Choice Act.

Read “Brown win a setback for gay activists, liberal causes” at