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Monday, March 1, 2010


J. Grant Swank, Jr.

Intercessory prayer is one of the most powerful petitions to God that there is available to the sincere biblical believer.

It is powerful in that it focuses on that which is beyond the pray-er. Much of our petitions to God are centered on ourselves. They have to do with our needs and wants.

Intercessory prayer is the go-between offering to heaven’s throne. We put self aside for the good of another.

America’s need right now is for those who truly believe in the power of prayer to be go-betweens for the nation and God’s mercy seat.

This means earnest, heart-felt prayer. It is sacrificial prayer. It may call for prayer and fasting. It is more than ritual. It is more than liturgy. It is the agonizing of the soul on behalf of this country.

There are many evil forces at work to destroy the Republic. They are working night and day. So it is that genuine Christians need to bring their pleas constantly to the Lord for divine intervention in America.

“Pray without ceasing.”

“The effectual, fervent prayer of the righteous avails much.”

When believers gather in homes for fellowship, it would be so helpful for these Christians to lift their hearts heaven-ward, beseeching God’s plan for the nation.

Pray for those in power who do not know God to come to know Him through Christ. Pray for those who once knew God but are now backslidden to return to total allegiance to the Savior.

When waking, pray for America. When going to sleep, pray for America. When going through the day’s round, pray for America. Ejaculatory prayers—dart-prayers that are brief but meaningful—need to be shot upward constantly.

Pray for individual states. Pray for legislative bodies. Pray for government office workers. Pray for households and schools and town offices.

Picture your eye roving from coast to coast, then offer that land to God for His consecration. Believe that God will honor your intercession for it is from the depth of your soul that you expect heaven to act.

“More is wrought by prayer than this world dreams of” said Alfred Lord Tennyson.

Then let us put this priority at the top of our list this anxious season. See God answer. And then give Him the honor and all the praise.