J. Grant Swank, Jr.
“The brain drain.”
They get their medical education in Canada then pick up their paychecks in the US. Been going on for years. Still going on.
Canada does not have enough doctors. If Obama’s Whacko Health Blanket smothers America, the US will not have enough doctors.
All of a sudden fifty million new patients. Where are the medical professionals to care for this floodsweep? They don’t exist.
That means that Medicare is going to pain maximum. That means that elderly who in particular need care are going to go wanting.
My mother was in a luxurious health care unit in Texas. She is 96. Now that facility is imploding. There is one CNA for two wings. Long-standing nurses’ name signs are no longer posted outside their prior offices. And so forth.
Mother is presently cared for in a doctor-owned facility. Now she is receiving superb treatment.
But if the Obama Whack Plan is cemented, these doctors will be worked flat out. That means mother will suffer more than she is suffering today.
The bottom line regarding Obamangst is that people who need medical attention will not have a professional to help them. This goes on in UK and Canada every day. Does the US want this flatout squash?
America will implode as mother’s previous facility is imploding as I type.
America, wake up!
Read OBAMA MOB HYSTERIACS PUSHED BACK BY BRAIN ALIVE CITIZENRY at http://truthinconviction.us/weblog.php?id=P3184
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