J. Grant Swank, Jr.
Sarah Palin is no mystery to biblical believers. She is a sister in the faith to those who are genuinely Christian.
Therefore, one can figure out this woman. She is no mystery. Talk about transparency. She’s it.
Palin believes in the Bible as God’s Word. She does not doubt it in any way. She takes seriously the Book stating that one must not add to or subtract from the divine revelation. Therefore, Palin believes in God’s Word as infallible from Genesis to Revelation.
Further, Palin believes that God appeared in Christ as fully God and fully man. This Christ then is her personal Savior. But more: this Christ is her Sanctifier for Palin believes in being filled with the Spirit of Christ.
All of this is experiential with Palin. It is more than church doctrine, more than biblical theology. It is an individual relationship daily with Christ through His indwelling Spirit.
In addition, Palin feeds her friendship with God through daily devotions; that is, she reads her Bible and prays faithfully. When busy, she recalls those biblical verses for soul enrichment. She also maintains that “praying without ceasing” mindset throughout her schedule.
Palin has informed the press that she has surrendered her existence to the God of the Bible. That means that her future is not hers to govern. It is submitted to Providence.
Therefore, whether or not she runs for President is directed by Providence. If she does run, whether or not she wins the office is directed by Providence.
All of this folds into her being a Christian mother and wife. It relates to her morality. It has to do with her entertainment, reading material, hobbies, and so forth.
In other words, being a born again Spirit-filled Christian, Palin enjoys the submission of everything to her Creator Redeemer. This is no chore. This is her liberation.
Having been converted to Christ by confessing her sins to Him, receiving His mercy and forgiveness, Palin witnesses to a life of hope. That hope is founded upon scriptural promises. She believes in a God who cannot fail, who is eternally faithful to His grace children.
Now with this belief system, Palin knows full well that the opposition will seek to destroy her in every way, particularly politically. That is why when Martha Stewart, not a professing born again Christian, snubs Palin by saying Palin is “boring,” Palin is not surprised by that.
Palin knows that Christ informed His followers that they will be hated, let alone snubbed. Therefore, Palin concludes her work to be divinely networked in the spiritual battles.
Palin does know the enemy. She understands the demonic schemes out to undercut her. She is not about to war the fight in her own energies; instead, she commits every one to God as soon as they appear.
Palin has been living this style for years, ever since submitting her existence to Savior Christ. All the more she has fine-tuned her soul to surrender even more precisely each situation to God’s will.
When non-believers then do battle with Palin, it would be wise for them to study her spiritual beliefs. However, most won’t for they don’t care. Or they consider her beliefs to be adolescent, mundane or just plain wrong. That is nothing new of course to biblical believers.
So on with the future. Palin is ready, more than ready, for she has committed that future to her God. What God details for her tomorrows is just fine with Palin. She would have it no other way.
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