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Friday, March 6, 2009


J. Grant Swank, Jr.

Charles Freeman, anti-Jew voice, is named by B. Hussein Obama, Marxist Muslim, as the new head of the National Intelligence Council.

Freeman was US Ambassador to Saudi Arabia from 1989 – 92. Presently he is president of the Middle East Policy Council. And who funds that? The Saudi government.

Per Jake Tapper of ABC News, Congresspersons on both sides of the aisles are alarmed, contacting B. Hussein about this alarming misstep.

“’Given his close ties to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia we request a comprehensive review of Amb. Freeman's past and current commercial, financial and contractual ties to the Kingdom to ensure no conflict of interest exists in his new position,’ the members of Congress wrote.

“‘As you may know, Amb. Freeman most recently served as president of the Middle East Policy Council, a think-tank funded by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The board of directors includes Dr. Fuad Rihani, a consultant to the Saudi Binladin Group -- a multinational construction conglomerate and holding company for the assets owned by the bind Laden family.’”

So goes B. Husseim’s Islamic bias. It will show more so in months ahead for he is aligned with his background—laden with Muslim alliances including the Nation of Islam’s Louis Farrakhan, anti-Jew pro-Muslim anti-white Jeremiah Wright, as well as having on his Congressional and campaign staff numerous Muslims. After all, his political doings were entrenched in the Muslim population of his Illinois district.

“Other critics say Freeman is anti-Israel. Rep. Steve Israel, D-NY, recently asked the Inspector General for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence to look into Freeman's ties to the Saudis, noting that Freeman in 2006 said:

“’For the past half decade, Israel has enjoyed carte blanche from the United States to experiment with any policy it favored to stabilize its relations with the Palestinians and its other Arab neighbors, including most recently its efforts to bomb Lebanon into peaceful coexistence with it and to smother Palestinian democracy in its cradle.

“’The suspension of the independent exercise of American judgment about what best serves our interests as well as those of Israelis and Arabs has caused the Arabs to lose confidence in the United States as a peace partner. ... left to its own devices, the Israeli establishment will make decisions that harm Israelis, threaten all associated with them, and enrage those who are not ...

“’Tragically, despite all the advantages and opportunities Israel has had over the fifty-nine years of its existence, it has failed to achieve concord and reconciliation with anyone in its region, still less to gain their admiration or affection.’”

In other tragic appointments to positions surrounding his presidency, B. Hussein has made horrendous intrusions that can destroy the Republic. Note:

B. Hussein’s newly installed stealer Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner attacks fellow thieves.

In other words, DC controllers are crooks. We are governed from DC by those who should be serving time for Geithner is only one of B. Hussein’s suspects now collecting tax-payer moneys as salaries.

We law-abiding grassroots are now obliged to bow and scrape before the Marxist Muslim B. Hussein’s picks for power

Geithner did not pay $34,000 tax dollars. Now he informs media that his office is going to slip the handcuffs over stealers as himself. Takes one to frisk one.

Geithner evangelized for morality by telling the House Ways and Means Committee that B. Hussein is going to “'tackle tax shelters and other efforts to abuse our tax laws. . .'”

There you have it, another Jim and Tammy PTL Club scandal. The main difference however is that Jimmy served time while Timmy fondles our hard earned cash via his Treasury Secretary’s executive suite.

Geithner did not pay Medicare and Social Security taxes. He even employed an accountant for two years while forgetting to file the fellow.

Yet this same thief states with political sanctification: "'Over the next several months the President will propose a series of legislative and enforcement measures to reduce such U.S. tax evasion and avoidance.'"

Note: "'. . .legislative and enforcement measures. . .'"

Tom Daschle must be weeping for he had not the moxie by which to hang on to his Secretary of Health and Human Services cap while failing to pay up $128,000 taxes.

Nancy Kellefer had to slip away from the OMB office hold because of tax problems.

Further, B. Hussein’s pick for Trade Rep Ron Kirk ‘fessed up that he owed $10,000 in back taxes.

But what should we expect? Mob hysteria plus liberal press irrationally shoved into the Oval Office an Islamist who vows to Allah to lie in order to further Islam World Rule.

Having such ethic, B. Hussein has for years surrounded himself with low-lifes; therefore, when logged into PA Avenue , B. Hussein picks these scums to lead America .

“God bless America .” What else?

Read “White House Responds (Kind of) to Chas. Freeman Controversy” at