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Monday, February 1, 2010


J. Grant Swank, Jr.

Christians are taking over. Voodoo priests feel left out.

So goes the bickering as people suffer and die. It is sad.

Christians are quick to respond when help is needed. It is because Christ told His own to love God with all they’ve got and their neighbors as themselves. Therefore, genuine Christians do just that.

Also, Christ taught the parable of the Good Samaritan. A man was on the road, attacked and left torn, then was serviced by a Samaritan walking the way.

That depiction has spun around the world for two thousand years. It has inspired countless believers to be Good Samaritans.

Christ Himself climbed upon the cross to permit nails pounded into His flesh, a sword spiked into His side and His body ripped from top to bottom. This was the sinless Sacrifice offered eternity’s justice in our stead.

The whole Christian gospel is sown up in golden threads of service. Consequently, when Haiti was rocked by quakes, Christians in particular responded in person and with money.

Now voodoo priests are up in arms about the contest. But they should realize that there is plenty of need to go around. Why do any persons have the strength or time to whine about others helping others?

If voodoo spokespersons want to spill goats’ blood and see drum their incantations, go to it. But don’t slam Christians who are working night and day to bring relief.

Actually, what these voodoo voices are displaying is their own misunderstanding of Christian truth. Further, they are too absorbed in their complaints to be out and doing.

Do not the voodoo leaders show their ineptness by such quarreling with Christians who don’t have the time to respond? Christians have been made fun of, derided, misinterpreted and put down for centuries. They are used to the opposition.

Consequently, with voodoo taunts rising to the skies, Christians keep on stepping in Christ’s footprints to relieve the desperate situation on the island.

Read “Haiti earthquake: voodoo high priest claims aid monopolised by Christians” at