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Sunday, November 29, 2009


J. Grant Swank, Jr.

Iranian thug President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said: "The bottom line is we do
not need a bomb. The time for nuclear bombs has ended," per AP.

Then is he going to wipe out Israel with a teaspoon?

Is he going to welcome back his adored Islamic messiah with fireflies?

Ahmadinejad is the typical Muslim zealot: liar, liar and more liar.

He champions peaceful uses of his nuclear plants while daily stapling his
own citizens to misery and hopelessness. Why are there Iranians in exile
who constantly warn the free world of Ahmadinejad's madness? They do so
for they have suffered first-hand from his clones and himself.

Ahmadinejad is surrounded in his executive suites by his satanic cronies.
They are murderers, rapists and stealers, like unto their fiendish prophet

The Iranian governing guard is not a civil collection of upright, moral
individuals. These personages wear labels usually attached to mortals who
have proven their integrities. Yet in a Muslim country, it is in reverse,
more so in Iran.

Even today, Ahmadinejad continues to endorse the sharia "legal system." He
and millions of other Muslims wed themselves to its barbarism.

Therefore, when Ahmadinejad courts the UN audience with promises of laying
down his bombs for picking up peace doves, he lies superbly.

How many times has civil society confronted the suave political liar? Of
course such is not reserved for despotic regimes alone. Democracies have
their share.

Yet Ahmadinejad and his clique are far more frightening. They lie in order
to gain time to construct the final bomb. They smile while delivering hope-
filled speeches about peace, all the while craftily scheming the planet's
last hour.

Ahmadinejad is so married to his messiah's return that he has spent
millions in erecting edifices in the messiah's honor. He has so
indoctrinated his own soul in the prophesies regarding that messiah that
he would give his right arm for their truths.

Muslims believe in the second coming. They hold to that tenet with all
their longings. They say that the messiah left the planet at age 5, only
someday to come back when the globe's surface is on fire.

With the Islamic messiah's return, Islam World Rule will be secured.

Now how can Ahmadinejad then state that the era of bombs is over? How can
he sincerely promise the listening world that his intentions are peace and
peace only?

He is not about to backslide from his own cultic dogmas. To backslide is
to go to hell.

He instead is going to kid the world communities by lying through his
smiling teeth. That he can do in his sleep. By doing so he keeps all the
more his promise to his messiah that he will do everything in his power to
prepare for the splitting of the skies.

And creating that split will be bombs bursting in air--from Iranian
nuclear fields.

Count on it.

In contrast, this is the biblical Christians' hope:

Jesus followers hold to a second coming of Christ.

The Bible states that Christ Himself forecast His own return to His property, planet Earth. He provided signs preceding His return, such data given in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21.

These literal details are in parallel to the symbolic vision given the Apostle John on the Isle of Patmos. The details are recorded in the last book of the New Testament--the Book of Revelation.

Christ stated that He would return when the world was caught up in wars and rumors of wars, famines, the increase of sin, family members increasingly taunting one another, persecution of Christians, pestilence, earthquakes, and the gospel
preached globally.

All these signs are taking place now.

In addition to these general signs, Exekiel 36-39 lays out signs pertaining specifically to Israel. These passages underline that Jews in the End Times will return from all over the world to their own homeland. That took place on May 14, 1948. They would then establish their own urban centers and agricultural splendor.

However, Jews in Israel would also discover severe suffering. Enemies would threaten them continually.

These Old Testament signs are now taking place. Therefore, when we place the Old and New Testament signs alongside one another, we realize that they play out in the daily news. This all the more reveals to the biblical student that we are indeed living in the "last generation," as Christ referred to that time frame just prior to His return.

Christ stated in Matthew 24:29-31 that His rapturing ("gathering together unto Him") of the believers from the four corners of the planet would coincide with His open appearance in the atmostphere above the planet. In other words, the rapture and second return would be the two sides of the same coin.

There are some within the evangelical camp of biblical believers who preach that the rapture takes place prior to a seven-year tribulation period. However, that is not according to Matthew 24:29-31 which details the rapture and second coming as one and the same event at the close of the about-seven year tribulation period.

Those then who preach a pre-tribulation rapture hold out a false hope to believers. It is the post-tribulation rapture which is biblically accurate.

Christ will return at the height of the Battle of Armageddon in the northwestern section of Israel. Christ will speak the word and in that Christ will win the battle.

Satan will then be cast into the Bottomless Pit for one thousand years during which Christ will rule in peace and holiness from Jerusalem.

At the close of the millennium, an army numbering as the sands of the sea will plan a mutiny against the Christ-rule in the Holy City. However, fire will fall from heaven to consume them.

In contrast to the Islamic messiah returning when the world is set ablaze (presumably by Muslims), the Bible states that the Christ-Messiah will return at the height of the Armageddon Battle.

Therefore, biblical Christians do not plot to envelop the globe in flame but instead pray for their enemies, intercede for lost souls and witness to the good news that personal salvation is found in Christ alone.

This is a crucial difference between the Islamic messianic scheme and the biblical Christian hope.