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Monday, March 16, 2009


J. Grant Swank, Jr.

“It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.” (Lamentations 3:22)

The globe is in major crises. Why are we then still here?


God’s mercies are indeed unfailing toward the ungodly and the godly.

God is merciful toward the ungodly, providing them more time to come to their senses in acknowledging Him as God Creator.

God is merciful toward the godly, unfolding His promises to care for them.

God’s mercies are far beyond our imaginations; however, a wise measuring stick is found in the Old Testament history. Generation after generation balked against God; yet God continued to discipline them while providing for them.

Nevertheless, there did come the moments when the Hebrews pushed divine mercies over the line. Then it is that God’s severe discipline had to be leveled against them in a variety of ways.

Today’s divine mercies are keeping the globe spinning upon its axis. God loves this globe. “For God so loved the world. . .”

God the Son, Christ, created this globe, gave Himself on the cross to redeem this globe and will one day rule upon this globe.

“Heaven and earth may pass away, but my words will never pass away,” Christ stated.

This globe and its surrounding atmospheric layer will
one day dissolve at the close of the millennial reign of Christ. However, prior to that the globe will continue to spin.

Right now we are in grave danger due to sin enveloping multitudes. Countless mortals are worshiping their favorite idols, turning their souls away from the God of the Bible.

One could go on and on listing the evils of the planet; however, suffice it to state that the globe’s population in the main has turned its back on Christ.

To this point, Christ’s mercies continue to maintain the globe. It is by way of His common grace. That common grace covers both the saved and the unsaved.

Hopefully, common grace will wake up the unsaved to realize saving grace. When that occurs, the soul realizes its need for salvation through Christ.

The saved now are interceding before Christ in heaven for greater conviction to fall upon the unsaved in order for them to turn to saving grace.

If Christ’s common grace were not upon us, we would all be consumed.

“It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.” (Lamentations 3:22)