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Wednesday, April 8, 2009


J. Grant Swank, Jr.

Mob hysteria rushed The Boy where he is today.

Liberal media worked alongside mob hysteria.

Now The Boy sits in the White House, surrounded by the crooks he has known during his so-called career mired in Illinois.

What is so frightening is that the socialist Marxist Muslim B. H. Obama is the brainwashed child of Jeremiah Wright.

Though not much is said these days about Wright, he is right there in the Oval Office. He is implanted in the thought patterns of both Michelle and B. H. They are just beneath the skin anti-white, anti-Jew, pro-Muslim and ready to crush any semblance of a Christian nation.

The Boy and wife have no regard whatsoever for the Christian heritage to this country. They play out their church membership in the most liberal denomination in the United States. But behind that act out is their allegiance to the Koran, Allah and Islam World Rule.

As The Boy has traipsed across the planet recently, he has acted out in body language and spoken word his admiration for Muslims wherever he went. He bent over backwards to befriend the very coalition out to destroy this Republic.

Having drained our nation of its economic security, The Boy will march forth under Allah’s banner. Those Muslim cells planted in America are waiting for their chance to join The Boy in usurping every office in the nation.

With the Dem Congress on The Boy’s side, both the legislative and executive branches are linked to subversive alliances. Both segments have no idea regarding biblical morality or the Christian backdrop to America. Their only other choice for alliance is anti-Bible and anti-Christian.

The Boy is Marxist. He is Muslim. He is therefore not what we have always defined in the generic sense as “American.”

If the hysteriacs had only known who they were pushing into the presidency, they would have never elected The Boy. Even now most of them do not see his destructive agenda. They are still blinded by his charisma.

That in itself is so frightening for it reminds thinking citizens of every despot who ever bobbed to the political and powerful top.

Now the United States is victim to “one of them.”